PHONE' Four-year Basic training in Therapeutic Speech Formation
Four-year Basic training in Therapeutic Speech Formation and Theatre Therapy
"Therapeutic Speech Formation" training seeks to restore the word to its intrinsic value, not only by deepening its form and origin, but also by opening up the therapeutic value inherent in the word.
The word is a specific instrument of man, through which he differs from the other three kingdoms of nature (mineral, plant, animal). If the word is pronounced in a creative, malleable, alive and conscious way, it can harmonize the whole person, because when it is harmonious it is the most intimate and profound expression of the human being.
The guidance of the breath, a conscious and cultivated pronunciation of the sound, as well as the ability to give weight and direction to the sentence throughout, are aspects that require a special and careful Ipresence of the speaker. If these are taken care of, they lead to a balanced centering of the personality. Therapeutic Speech Formation
Therapeutic Speech Formation aims to rebalance breathing, vocalization and speech articulation as well as its logical and expressive structure. It is not only about leading to correct function (upright posture, correct basic and swallowing tongue posture, harmonious and deep breathing, clear articulation, fluent speech) but also about working on the muscles leading to proper pronunciation of individual sounds. It is the vibrations of these individual sounds that have different effects on the organs and can bring them back into balance in a therapeutic speech formation.
With the help of Therapeutic Speech Formation, it is possible to develop concrete possibilities for anamnesis and in-depth diagnosis from an anthropology that sees the phonatory apparatus and its parts as the physical basis of the psyche. The correspondence between the phonatoric apparatus and the psyche means that, in the anamnestic area too, attention is directed not only at the symptoms but also the complexity of the person.
All this can awaken our understanding of the challenges to individual development that lie hidden in overcoming an imbalance. To develop all the original possibilities of the word is the task of the therapist using Therapeutic Speech Formation. A synthesis of clear thinking and true intention is created in the spoken word, which is then expressed in a culturally rich, interesting form with clear, honest intention.
Training Design
The therapeutic tools are the voice, hearing and movement of the therapist himself, hence the training path involves deep work on oneself.
The training deepens solid foundations in anatomy, physiology, anthropology, psychology and pathology based on Anthroposophical Medicine. It builds up effective therapeutic and diagnostic capacities in addition to offering continuous exercises in sensory perception.
The core staff is committed to promoting initiatives that educate and inform physicians and dentists in the fundamentals of this therapeutic discipline in order to prepare a future field of work for professional collaboration with therapeutic speech therapists.
The curriculum is divided into 4 years and comprises a total of 3000 hours, made up of 1500 hours of contact lessons, 1000 hours of self-directed study with supervision and at least 500 hours of practical work experience under the guidance of a mentor.
The expected annual commitment is approx. 13 weekends and 1 intensive week of lessons, plus homework; and from the third year onwards, the internship.
The four-year structure of the training has the advantage that, during this period, the fourfold concept of man can be deepened practically. Each year the relevant aspects of the phonatoric, dental and linguistic apparatus, which are expressed differently in each of these four bodies, are examined in detail: in the first year the physical body; in the second, the energetic/etheric body; in the third, the emotional/astral body and in the fourth year the core of the personality, the “ I “.
Admission takes place through an individual interview and/or after participation in a short introductory seminar.
- Artistic and theoretical basics - Complementary Artistic Subjects - Anthropology, Anthroposophy, Philosophy - Medical and Anthropological Basics - Pedagogy, Curative and Special Education - Hygiene, Anatomy and Physiology - Special Diseases - Applied Therapy Methods - Implementation of the Artistic Therapy Process - Interdisciplinary Aspects of Therapeutic Speech Formation - Treatment Procedures with Therapeutic Speech Formation – Documentation in Healing Process with Therapeutic Speech Formation - Therapeutic Research with Therapeutic Speech Formation - Professional Practice in the Therapeutic Field Simplified form of training (Facilities)
We offer participants who simply want to gain experience in this area, because of their personal thirst for knowledge, to attend the training only in the 1st year.
The teaching staff has the possibility to meet special requests by creating an individual training plan. This is the case where a participant has already worked on individual areas of this training in his previously completed and certified professional training.
Guest participants (Auditors)
Anyone can take part as auditor in single teaching modules, both theoretical and artistic-practical activities; simply to satisfy a personal interest, or as a preparatory introduction to the training path. This gives them the right of priority when registering for the next training course. A certificate of attendance is issued. Recognitions (Awards)
The basic training in Therapeutic Speech Formation is carried out by the training institution StellaMaris. This institution has been recognised by the International Association of Anthroposophic Arts Therapies Educations (iARTe), of which it is a member, and works according to the guidelines of the iARTe. It is recognised by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science in Goetheanum (Dornach/Switzerland). StellaMaris is also recognised by the S.I.M.A. (Italian Society for Anthroposophical Medicine) and is enrolled in SIAF Italy, which allows students who have completed their training to be entered in the register of the professional association under the title "Art Therapist with Speech".
The managing core staff for this basic training in Therapeutic Speech Formation has already applied for accreditation in the Medical Section at Goetheanum (Dornach/Switzerland) by the iARTe.
The completion of this training is a preparation for the certification examination for the state accreditation SIAF/FAC as a Theatre Therapist.
The school consists of many highly qualified teachers and a managing core staff.
Roberto Amabile M.D.: The Threefold in the Fourfold Human Being, Doctrine of the Senses, Geriatrics, Oncology, Special Diseases
Angela Assenza M.D.: Phoniatrics and Chirophonetics
Titian Bellucci: Anthroposophy
Dietrich von Bonin: Therapeutic Speech Formation
Laura Bontà: Dentology
Giorgio Salmaso M.D.: Medical aspects in the four cosmic imaginations
Fabio Ciserani M.D.: Drugs and Addictions
Cristina Dal Zio: Eurythmy
Enrica Dal Zio: Artistic and Therapeutic Speech Formation, Theatre Therapy, Michael Chekhov Theatre Technique, Bothmer Gymnastics®, Spacial Dynamics®, New Adult Learning according to Coenraad van Houten, Theory U according to Otto Scharmer
Vincenza Di Meglio M.D.: The seventh year phases of human development, neurasthenia and hysteria, The 4 organs and the 4 temperaments
Angelo Fierro M.D.: Embryology, Psychosophy, The Zodiac, Pain, Planetary Life Processes
Stefano Gasperi M.D.: Evolution of Diseases in the History of Art
Robert Gorter M.D.: The Dobble and Addiction Problems
Kirstin Kaiser: Therapeutic Speech Formation
Leonardo Marchiori M.D.: Mild and severe psychiatric disorders, biography work
Geoffrey Norris: Artistic Speech Formation, Michael Chekhov and Viola Spolin Theatre Techniques
Aristotele Porceddu M.D.: Neurology
Silvana Santoro M.D.: Dentistry and Dentosophy
Course director: Enrica Dal Zio
Scientific and medical director: Angelo Fierro M.D.
Artistic-therapeutic director: Enrica Dal Zio
Supervision and coordination of trainers: Carla Borri
Managing core staff: Angela Assenza M.D., Enrica Dal Zio, Silvana Santoro M.D.
Information and registration:
Associazione StellaMaris, via Saffi 30, I-Bologna, telephone: +39-051-19984271, [email protected],
2021 the training begins!
Are you interested? Would you like to find out more? Explore what this realm involves?
Then visit one of our events at the StellaMaris School headquarters in Bologna, where we will present the training in Therapeutic Speech Formation: Sunday, 29 March 2020, 15:30 - 19:00 Sunday, 14 June 2020, 10:00 - 15:00 hrs Sunday, 11 October 2020, 15:30 - 19:00
The participation fee for each meeting is € 35.00.
In case of a late registration for the basic training in Therapeutic Speech Formation, the working hours of these previous meetings will be accredited. Picture: Else Marie Henriksen, Stuttgart 2017, Graphic: Marco Taffi
"Therapeutic Speech Formation" training seeks to restore the word to its intrinsic value, not only by deepening its form and origin, but also by opening up the therapeutic value inherent in the word.
The word is a specific instrument of man, through which he differs from the other three kingdoms of nature (mineral, plant, animal). If the word is pronounced in a creative, malleable, alive and conscious way, it can harmonize the whole person, because when it is harmonious it is the most intimate and profound expression of the human being.
The guidance of the breath, a conscious and cultivated pronunciation of the sound, as well as the ability to give weight and direction to the sentence throughout, are aspects that require a special and careful Ipresence of the speaker. If these are taken care of, they lead to a balanced centering of the personality. Therapeutic Speech Formation
Therapeutic Speech Formation aims to rebalance breathing, vocalization and speech articulation as well as its logical and expressive structure. It is not only about leading to correct function (upright posture, correct basic and swallowing tongue posture, harmonious and deep breathing, clear articulation, fluent speech) but also about working on the muscles leading to proper pronunciation of individual sounds. It is the vibrations of these individual sounds that have different effects on the organs and can bring them back into balance in a therapeutic speech formation.
With the help of Therapeutic Speech Formation, it is possible to develop concrete possibilities for anamnesis and in-depth diagnosis from an anthropology that sees the phonatory apparatus and its parts as the physical basis of the psyche. The correspondence between the phonatoric apparatus and the psyche means that, in the anamnestic area too, attention is directed not only at the symptoms but also the complexity of the person.
All this can awaken our understanding of the challenges to individual development that lie hidden in overcoming an imbalance. To develop all the original possibilities of the word is the task of the therapist using Therapeutic Speech Formation. A synthesis of clear thinking and true intention is created in the spoken word, which is then expressed in a culturally rich, interesting form with clear, honest intention.
Training Design
The therapeutic tools are the voice, hearing and movement of the therapist himself, hence the training path involves deep work on oneself.
The training deepens solid foundations in anatomy, physiology, anthropology, psychology and pathology based on Anthroposophical Medicine. It builds up effective therapeutic and diagnostic capacities in addition to offering continuous exercises in sensory perception.
The core staff is committed to promoting initiatives that educate and inform physicians and dentists in the fundamentals of this therapeutic discipline in order to prepare a future field of work for professional collaboration with therapeutic speech therapists.
The curriculum is divided into 4 years and comprises a total of 3000 hours, made up of 1500 hours of contact lessons, 1000 hours of self-directed study with supervision and at least 500 hours of practical work experience under the guidance of a mentor.
The expected annual commitment is approx. 13 weekends and 1 intensive week of lessons, plus homework; and from the third year onwards, the internship.
The four-year structure of the training has the advantage that, during this period, the fourfold concept of man can be deepened practically. Each year the relevant aspects of the phonatoric, dental and linguistic apparatus, which are expressed differently in each of these four bodies, are examined in detail: in the first year the physical body; in the second, the energetic/etheric body; in the third, the emotional/astral body and in the fourth year the core of the personality, the “ I “.
Admission takes place through an individual interview and/or after participation in a short introductory seminar.
- Artistic and theoretical basics - Complementary Artistic Subjects - Anthropology, Anthroposophy, Philosophy - Medical and Anthropological Basics - Pedagogy, Curative and Special Education - Hygiene, Anatomy and Physiology - Special Diseases - Applied Therapy Methods - Implementation of the Artistic Therapy Process - Interdisciplinary Aspects of Therapeutic Speech Formation - Treatment Procedures with Therapeutic Speech Formation – Documentation in Healing Process with Therapeutic Speech Formation - Therapeutic Research with Therapeutic Speech Formation - Professional Practice in the Therapeutic Field Simplified form of training (Facilities)
We offer participants who simply want to gain experience in this area, because of their personal thirst for knowledge, to attend the training only in the 1st year.
The teaching staff has the possibility to meet special requests by creating an individual training plan. This is the case where a participant has already worked on individual areas of this training in his previously completed and certified professional training.
Guest participants (Auditors)
Anyone can take part as auditor in single teaching modules, both theoretical and artistic-practical activities; simply to satisfy a personal interest, or as a preparatory introduction to the training path. This gives them the right of priority when registering for the next training course. A certificate of attendance is issued. Recognitions (Awards)
The basic training in Therapeutic Speech Formation is carried out by the training institution StellaMaris. This institution has been recognised by the International Association of Anthroposophic Arts Therapies Educations (iARTe), of which it is a member, and works according to the guidelines of the iARTe. It is recognised by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science in Goetheanum (Dornach/Switzerland). StellaMaris is also recognised by the S.I.M.A. (Italian Society for Anthroposophical Medicine) and is enrolled in SIAF Italy, which allows students who have completed their training to be entered in the register of the professional association under the title "Art Therapist with Speech".
The managing core staff for this basic training in Therapeutic Speech Formation has already applied for accreditation in the Medical Section at Goetheanum (Dornach/Switzerland) by the iARTe.
The completion of this training is a preparation for the certification examination for the state accreditation SIAF/FAC as a Theatre Therapist.
The school consists of many highly qualified teachers and a managing core staff.
Roberto Amabile M.D.: The Threefold in the Fourfold Human Being, Doctrine of the Senses, Geriatrics, Oncology, Special Diseases
Angela Assenza M.D.: Phoniatrics and Chirophonetics
Titian Bellucci: Anthroposophy
Dietrich von Bonin: Therapeutic Speech Formation
Laura Bontà: Dentology
Giorgio Salmaso M.D.: Medical aspects in the four cosmic imaginations
Fabio Ciserani M.D.: Drugs and Addictions
Cristina Dal Zio: Eurythmy
Enrica Dal Zio: Artistic and Therapeutic Speech Formation, Theatre Therapy, Michael Chekhov Theatre Technique, Bothmer Gymnastics®, Spacial Dynamics®, New Adult Learning according to Coenraad van Houten, Theory U according to Otto Scharmer
Vincenza Di Meglio M.D.: The seventh year phases of human development, neurasthenia and hysteria, The 4 organs and the 4 temperaments
Angelo Fierro M.D.: Embryology, Psychosophy, The Zodiac, Pain, Planetary Life Processes
Stefano Gasperi M.D.: Evolution of Diseases in the History of Art
Robert Gorter M.D.: The Dobble and Addiction Problems
Kirstin Kaiser: Therapeutic Speech Formation
Leonardo Marchiori M.D.: Mild and severe psychiatric disorders, biography work
Geoffrey Norris: Artistic Speech Formation, Michael Chekhov and Viola Spolin Theatre Techniques
Aristotele Porceddu M.D.: Neurology
Silvana Santoro M.D.: Dentistry and Dentosophy
Course director: Enrica Dal Zio
Scientific and medical director: Angelo Fierro M.D.
Artistic-therapeutic director: Enrica Dal Zio
Supervision and coordination of trainers: Carla Borri
Managing core staff: Angela Assenza M.D., Enrica Dal Zio, Silvana Santoro M.D.
Information and registration:
Associazione StellaMaris, via Saffi 30, I-Bologna, telephone: +39-051-19984271, [email protected],
2021 the training begins!
Are you interested? Would you like to find out more? Explore what this realm involves?
Then visit one of our events at the StellaMaris School headquarters in Bologna, where we will present the training in Therapeutic Speech Formation: Sunday, 29 March 2020, 15:30 - 19:00 Sunday, 14 June 2020, 10:00 - 15:00 hrs Sunday, 11 October 2020, 15:30 - 19:00
The participation fee for each meeting is € 35.00.
In case of a late registration for the basic training in Therapeutic Speech Formation, the working hours of these previous meetings will be accredited. Picture: Else Marie Henriksen, Stuttgart 2017, Graphic: Marco Taffi
First weekend 22-24 January 2021 Creative Speech and TS by E. Dal Zio Phoniatrics by Dr. A.Assenza
Second weekend 6-7 February 2021 "The pain" by Dr. A.A.Fierro Creative Speech and TS by E. Dal Zio History of Art by S.Andi
Third weekend 20-21 March 2021 Creative Speech, Michael Chekhov and Viola Spolin Theatre Techniques by G. Norris
Fourth weekend 10-11 April 2021 "The Digestive Process" by Dr. A.A.Fierro Creative Speech and TS by E. Dal Zio Ethics by A.Cataldo Sposato Dentistry and Denosophy by Dr. S. Santoro
Fifth weekend 17-18 April 2021 "The 4 Organs and the 4 Temperaments" by Dr. C.Di Meglio Creative Speech and TS by E. Dal Zio Dentistry and Dentosophy by Dr. S.Santoro History of Art by S.Andi
Sixth weekend 15-16 May 2021 "The 12 Senses" by Dr. R.Amabile Phoniatrics by Dr. A.Assenza Creative Speech and TS by E. Dal Zio
Intensive week from 25 to 30 May 2021 Painting by C. Borri Creative Speech and TS by E. Dal Zio Modeling by G.Greco Anthroposophy by C. Gasparini Form Drawing by D. D'Alessandro "The Ethers" by Dr. R.Amabile Dentistry and Dentosophy by Dr. S. Santoro Eurythmy by N.Ragazzo
Seventh weekend 5-6 June 2021 Phoniatrics by Dr. A.Assenza
Eighth weekend 9-10 July 2021 Creative Speech and TS by E. Dal Zio Dentistry and Dentosophy by Dr. S.Santoro
Ninth weekend 18-19 September 2021 Geriatrics by Dr. A.Porceddu Creative Speech and TS by E. Dal Zio "Tumor pathologies" by Dr. R.Amabile Eurythmy by N.Ragazzo
Tenth weekend 2-3 October 2021 Neonatology by Dr.R.Meda Creative Speech and TS byby E. Dal Zio Dentistry and Dentosophie by Dr. S.Santoro
Eleventh weekend 23-24 October 2021 "The First Septenium" by Dr. C.Di Meglio Creative Speech and TS by E.Dal Zio Anthroposophy by C.Gasparini
Twelfth weekend 13-14 November 2021 Eurythmy by C.Dal Zio
Thirteenth weekend 11-12 December 2021 Dentistry and Dentosophy by Dr. S.Santoro Phoniatrics by Dr. A.Assenza Creative Speech and TS byby E. Dal Zio
*TS = Terapeutic Speech
TIMETABLES Friday (where contemplated) from 19:00 to 21:30 Saturday 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Lunch Break 2:30 pm - 7:30 pm Sunday 8:30 - 12:30 Lunch Break 13:00 - 14:30
INTENSIVE COURSE 25-30 MAY Lessons timetable from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm with Lunch Break
a s s o c i a z i o n e c u l t u r a l e
E n t e d i F o r m a z i o n e i n A r t e t e r a p i a
Via Saffi 30, 40131 - Bologna - tel 051 19984271
Ente riconosciuto da iARte . - Riconosciuto S.I.M.A. - Iscritto nell'Elenco Nazionale SIAF. Italia SC101/11)
Pagina Facebook Stella Maris: Scuola di formazione in arteterapia del colore
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